ALL THE THINGS WE DO (to survive)


Unsatisfied with the lives they both live, they believe that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. A casual meeting makes Oscar and Naomi face their deepest fears and reveal their darkest secrets. Sometimes the only way to heal a leg is to break it twice.


He is a commitment phobic guy who has been very successful on Tinder but has lost his ability to feel anything. She has been in a relationship with a man for 5 years. When he proposed she froze and told him she was going to travel the world, and would return when she knew the answer. Two strangers are stuck on a volcanic island when an eruption grounds all flights. They go on a road trip to try to see the volcano. At the end of three days and three nights both lives have taken a new direction. 


Let’s assume that most of us constantly strive for happiness, or at least try to avoid pain. The more I look around the more I see people in their late twenties and into their thirties unable to find their footing in the world of relationships, commitment and love. Gender roles and family structures are changing and possibly the definition of happiness. There is an overabundance of choice on dating apps and this overabundance might not be making us happier. How can a person begin to form feelings for another person when they know that there are hundreds of other potential dates waiting out there. Why are some of us never content with what is right in front of us and always think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence? These are the characters of this film and this is the audience for the film. All The Things We Do (to survive) is inspired by films like Before Sunrise, Lost In Translation and Y Tu Mama Tambien, and it is a modern take on the dilemmas of commitment, love, purpose and happiness in times of overabundance and confusion. This will be an intimate, low-budget film, shot with the smallest crew possible, with a big emphasis on performance and emotional truth.



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